Fashion Plate

If you like Texas Jot, please take a look at my other blog, Fashion Plate. It is the home of my handmade retro Barbie clothes and lots of delicious recipes from my cookbooks.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kobe Bryant vs. Kobe Beef

From what I can figure out, only the folks who spent time calling into the sports talk shows cared if the NBA ever settled the lockout.   I'm so tired of the whiny, over-paid athletes who continue to provide really horrendous role models. I was hoping they would just cancel the season.  But, alas, money talks.  If one has already missed a million dollar plus pay-check, how does one pay the maids, butler and bodyguard? Wouldn't it be nice if they just took all those NBA salaries and put the total to reduce the national deficit?

Hey, just settle, I want my cash!
 NBA...Nothing but awful. Give me college hoops, any day!

My pedigree shows with every bite.
Yes...I chose the beef, too!

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