Fashion Plate

If you like Texas Jot, please take a look at my other blog, Fashion Plate. It is the home of my handmade retro Barbie clothes and lots of delicious recipes from my cookbooks.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Weigh Off Base

Let's go over this one more time. We are a team losing weight together. You weigh on Wednesday and tell me if you lost weight and what you did to facilitate that loss. I don't need (or want) to know your actual weight. Just let me know how you are progressing. You click the little pencil comment button and leave me a message. (You get to choose a name and your email will not appear.) It will not show up below my posting and any notations from me will be on an anonymous basis as far as the group membership is concerned. This is not a scary thing, except for getting on the scale once a week.

If you ate rye-crisps and drank prune juice all week and lost five pounds, while not recommended by me, it would be something to report.
If you ate an entire coconut cream pie and only gained a pound, I would be jealous.
My report is: I gained 2 ounces and I have become addicted to chocolate covered plum bites.

May all of you leave your excess weight behind, unless that's where it already is!

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