Fashion Plate

If you like Texas Jot, please take a look at my other blog, Fashion Plate. It is the home of my handmade retro Barbie clothes and lots of delicious recipes from my cookbooks.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Belated Birthdays

Due to my illness, you missed ONLY's second birthday. What can I say about a child's birthday party that hasn't already been said? Parents, children and cake...the usual mix, but this party included a minor miracle...not one tear was shed by any of the participants. ONLY seemed oblivious to the enchantment that was created for her benefit and was not very interested in the cake or present aspect of the party. She was, however, the only child who actually ate her lunch. I personally handed her four slices of pizza, so I know she out-ate some of the adults. Additionally, she behaved like the perfect hostess, playing with all her friends and showing no signs she had just embraced the terrible two's!
A second birthday shout-out goes to my Blog. Texas Jot turned one on March 22. It's been tons of fun for me and a pleasure to get to hear from my readers. Thank you all for your support.

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