If you live anywhere but the southeastern United States, you will refer to both these items as pray-lene.
If you reside in a state between Louisiana and South Carolina, you will most likely call them praw-lenes. Both are acceptable pronunciations, so get over it and get on with your life.
Do you really want to cause a stir? Start discussing what goes into pralines. Pecans, of course. Well, is is pee-cans, pe-cons, or peckons?
Having grown up in Texas, I am a pray-lene, pe-con kinda' girl. (Isn't a pee-can another word for outhouse?) I can tolerate those crumbly brown sugar pralines, but my favorite is the chewy praline. This recipe came to me courtesy of Amy Robnett and is a family favorite.
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups light corn syrup
Over medium-low heat, cook sugar and syrup. Heat to 250 degrees. Remove from heat and add:
1 pound (four sticks) butter
Stir until melted. Slowly add:
2 cups whipping cream
Return to heat and cook to 244 degrees, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and add:
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
7 cups pecans, chopped
Drop onto parchment paper. Makes 80 tablespoon size pralines. When cool, wrap in plastic wrap. I keep these in the freezer if not for immediate consumption.
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