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Monday, May 7, 2012

Thanks Apache: Bad Weekend at the Diamond B

Al, alias Al Capone escape artist, lived a long and happy dog-life on the Diamond B Ranch.  My rational mind tells me that Al's number was up, but I can't help thinking he got a big push into the great beyond by Apache drilling a well right next to his kennel.  I think he deserved some peace and quiet his last few months.
Just chalk up another black mark to Apache.
Certainly on a less compelling note, we spent over two hours, in the heat, cleaning up the roads and well sites.  Honestly, how can these folks be such slobs?  We filled an empty fifty-pound feed bag with trash and another large sand sack full of junk.  I think I'm going to send Apache a bill for trash collection and removal.
I know this won't come as any surprise to you regular readers, but they also left the entry gate wide open.  I guess the sign, "Keep gate closed and locked at all times." just doesn't register with them.

I am sick of the constant traffic, speeding, trash, noise, smells (oh, the nasty acetic acid at Rosebud 2), strangers, lack of security and anything associated with Apache.  I want them to clean up all the trees they've knocked down while building roads and ditches and put them in piles so we can burn them at a later date.  I want the piles of excess dirt smoothed out so that we can mow along the edges of the road. I want our existing roads that they've obliterated to be re-built. If I leave my front gate open for ranch guests, I don't want to find Apache folks driving up to our house.  (Yes, there is a sign on the service entrance.)
I would also like an industrial strength airfreshner install at the tank battery. It is, unfortunately, on the main east-west road. It is impossible to avoid the great Apache stink while you are trying to maneuver around the ranch.  I guess I can't tell you what I'd like to do with all the frac tanks. Finally, I would like John Christmann, Apache Permian Region V-P, to spend a few hours with me on the ranch and view what devastation his company has wrought. I know it won't make anything better, but it would give me some satisfaction that he has seen it.

Please give me credit for not using one of the photos where John looks like a Mafia crime boss. It was tempting. I think  this smiley one of him gambling and drinking (undisclosed beverage) comes across much better and seems appropriate, as he holds all the cards when it comes to our porperty. 

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