Fashion Plate

If you like Texas Jot, please take a look at my other blog, Fashion Plate. It is the home of my handmade retro Barbie clothes and lots of delicious recipes from my cookbooks.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chocolate Audit

Yesterday, I was working on a faux press release about an alleged chocolate shortage due to the release of my new cookbook. I had to laugh aloud...chocolate shortage? Impossible!

As the day whizzed by, I couldn't get the idea out of my mind. Should I be stockpiling chocolate?
Maybe I should check into the shelf-life of chocolate. I needed to get on the Internet and find out just what sort of global catastrophe would cause a decline in chocolate production. Most importantly, I needed to conduct a personal chocolate audit.

I have a chocolate shelf in my pantry (Doesn't everybody?) where all my baking chocolate is stored. This is not to be confused with the chocolate candy area or the cookie and chocolate granola bar storage space which is for general consumption. The contents of the chocolate shelf include: cocoas, chocolate baking bars, various flavors of chocolate morsels, chocolate sauces and a two pound disk of chocolate for making chocolate curls. Grand total of chocolate: 521.5 ounces...which translates to almost 33 pounds of chocolate.

When I ran the final tally, it was a sobering moment. Am I in denial? Do I need intervention? Am I just beyond hope?....probably! I guess I should also mention the three pounds of m&ms on my kitchen counter...

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