Fashion Plate

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Friday, January 8, 2010

(W)Retched New Year's Eve

I guess I got so carried away with the Texas Jot Team business that I forgot to tell you all about my exotic New Year's Eve. After I ate myself into a coma, I watched even more football. The announcer commented that one of the players was on the sideline "retching."

"How lovely," I thought, "Retching on national TV. Won't his Momma be proud." Not vomiting, but retching...really succinct and very onomatopoetic. That started me and a semi-reluctant PARTNER on a list of vomit euphemisms...just in time for the flu season.

Puke (this just sounds nasty)
Worshipping the porcelain goddess
Ralph, ralphing, ralphed
Blowing beets (one of my favorites)
Tossing your cookies
3-D burp
Losing your lunch
Downloading your lunch (newer and more trendy)
Liquid belch

To be honest, I don't think this was the New Year's Eve PARTNER had in mind, but he did laugh when I added "blow beets" to the list and commented, "I forgot about that one!" Although I consider the list a good evening's work, I did some research to "flush " it out a bit.

Critiquing the menu
The technicolor yawn
Throwing it into reverse
Round-trip meal ticket

Well, there you have it. Every word and phrase you need to delicately express your gastric disorder to your boss. "I can't come in to work today because I was up all night jettisoning the chunky cargo." Your creativity might even get you a raise.

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