Fashion Plate

If you like Texas Jot, please take a look at my other blog, Fashion Plate. It is the home of my handmade retro Barbie clothes and lots of delicious recipes from my cookbooks.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Home Stretch

When I was a child, bathing suits were made of cotton. They were heavy and took days to dry. If that wasn't annoying enough, they tended to slide down one's body when wet. The only recourse was to tightly tie the little straps around my neck. The upshot of this was a case of painful rug-burn neck. To this day, I can't bring myself to try on anything with a halter top.
Then came Lycra. I wish I had invented it. My idea of really comfortable clothing is a full-body catsuit in Winter and a maillot swimsuit for Summer. Unfortunately, if I actually adopted this wardrobe I would have to be confined to the house all year and never receive any visitors. So, I save my Lycra for those days when I am housebound.
Today I am donned in Lycra from neck to ankle. It is just a small compensation for facing the task at hand...packing the kitchen cabinets in preparation for a remodel. I still have to tackle
"under-the-sink" and pack the glassware and dishes, but the rest of the cabinets are empty and the cartons neatly packed and labeled. Unfortunately, the boxes are stacked in my dining room. It looks like I'd be a good candidate for one of those house clutter intervention shows.
Deluding myself that I might finish packing later in the day, I'm remaining in my Lycra garb. I've earned it. At least I'm in the home stretch.

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